Begins: 12/5/2018 12:00:00 AM
Ends: 12/31/2018 5:20:44 PM
Last Change: 12/5/2018 10:15:16 AM
Pursuant to Section 23.1 (a) of the Statement of Operating Conditions of Bridgeline Holdings, L.P. (“Bridgeline”), this posting will serve as prior notice to all Bridgeline shippers that continued cold temperatures may affect the ability of receipt pipelines to deliver gas to Bridgeline, which could Bridgeline’s ability to serve its customers while maintaining the integrity of the pipeline system. This condition may necessitate Bridgeline issuing an Operational Flow Order (“OFO”).
Shippers are therefore encouraged to:1) ensure that nominations remain balanced, particularly in the event that Bridgeline is required to cut nominations at receipt points along its pipeline system; 2) advise their markets not to exceed the total scheduled nominations to their facilities. In the event that Bridgeline issues an OFO, Bridgeline will provide a separate to all affected parties. For questions, please contact Brian Lamb at (713) 739-3250, Dan Passmore at (713) 739-3248 or Scott Crichton at (214) 953-9568.
Effective Date: 12/05/2018
End Date: 12/31/2018