In recent days Bridgeline Holdings, L.P. (“Bridgeline”) has restricted nominations at the Sea Robin interconnect (847803) due to gas quality issues related to oxygen. Pursuant to Section 11.3 of the Statement of Operating Conditions of Bridgeline (the “SOC”), this posting will serve as notice to all Bridgeline shippers that effective February 20, 2019, until further notice, Bridgeline is granting a waiver to Section 11.1(e) of its SOC and will instead receive pipeline quality gas with an oxygen content up to 250 parts per million (ppm) at the Sea Robin interconnect. Bridgeline reserves the right to restrict or refuse any volumes that are non-conforming or deficient. Please continue to monitor this website for future updates regarding gas quality specifications.
Effective Date: 02/20/2019
End Date: 03/31/2019